Thursday, August 18, 2011

Connected ♥

Just like the mess around me; my computer screen stares up at me.
And again, just like the mess and tasks that surround me; I am overwhelmed.

Each morning I rise, without an alarm clock before 6am....usually,
Anxious to see what God has placed on my heart; laid at my fingertips
What words He encourages to bubble out from deep within to share here.

This morning I rose just after 7am.
I was discouraged to find that I woke with the heaviness of heart that I went to bed with.
And even more discouraged to find that the 50 minute noise of the dishwasher...has ended,
and I still have a blank computer screen before me.....

I have less than a week left.
I am overwhelmed with all that has been started,
burdened by the work not yet even begun.

I am grieving for our lives here,
clinging to the past.
The past that filled us, shaped us, moved us, made us.
the past that is fast becoming cherished memories.

I have concerns for our future.
We are leaving the most amazing support team
any one family could ever hope to have.

Who will we turn to in our new lives?
Who will support us at our weakest moments?
Who will encourage us to keep on keeping on?
Who will love us through the not so good times in our future?

I am not dwelling on the negative.
I have not become a doom-sayer.
I am not speaking failure into the universe.

I am simply wondering.
Simply contemplating life; life with it's good days and not so good days.
Life with the ups and downs.
Life outside of the rose coloured glasses.
Life in the half empty glass.
Life with a bag full of lemons; before the sweetness of sugar and the coolness of ice.

It is a harsh reality to realize; no matter how much I think I give of self to others,
That I take a great deal from some of the same.
It has hit me this morning that even at my strongest,
I have given my weakest to some amazing life long friends.

I may have moved away from some of the darkest moments ever imagined.
But I am very aware I have NOT accomplished any of it on my own.
I have given some of the worst that I could ever be or do,
to some of the best God created. 
I call them heroes, angels, saints, family, friends.

I don't take lightly the love or generous hearts of others,
Every kind deed, sweet word, genuine hug, precious gift, minute spent and sip shared
has filled my own heart with healing, acceptance, friendship and unconditional love.

It is because you have loved so deeply and accepted me so freely that I find the strength once more
to look at the mess before me, to take a cleansing breath and jump back in.

I will continue to move forward.
I will remember that though our past is here,
There are many that will be our future as well.

Hearts don't need physical touch to stay connected;
Only Love! And love is spread; without thought of towns, province or country.

Pure love is not hindered by man built borders or distance of miles,
It flows freely and far. It settles gently and remains steadfast. 
Pure love has no concern for time and does not worry about change.
Love that connected our hearts through our past,
Is a cherished love; a strong love; a love that will forever last!

Blessings be yours dear heart as I send pure love your way today ♥ LR


  1. From one of your "not the praying kind" followers - you have all the strength you need inside of you're one of the strongest women I know. I have faith in you!

  2. So....I usually suppress sad thoughts but you succeeded in bringing it to my forefront head!!! The summers shall be long without you and your numerous invites for dinner...but the winters will be beautiful having so near to us! Bittersweet???? for sure. Thank you again for sharing your heart. Keep on keeping on my beautiful Daughter and know that what you said about love knowing no distance is so true. Prayer is more important than ever for each other when we can't get together.
