Monday, January 30, 2012

Just Two Words...

I need to be 'qualified' by people in my life. I need to feel like I am important to them. Surely we all have a deep desire to feel that we make a difference in peoples lives. Whether it be friends, family, neighbours, those we do business with etc.

Big pet peeve of mine is shown in the statements that follow...  What feels better to YOU?

'you're moving? ok, bye'
'your moving? I am going to miss YOU so much! it has been wonderful having you for a neighbour!'

'you're quitting? oh, have to do what you have to do.'
'your quitting? I understand why you need to but we are going to miss you so much around here!'

'you can't come? ok.' 
'you can't come? oh, what? That is too bad, I really wish you could, I will miss you!'

'I am not going to shop here any more because I wasn't treated fairly. Oh well, there is nothing I can do for you'
'I am not going to shop here any more because I wasn't treated fairly. I am so sorry to hear that, please tell me what happened. We appreciate your business, here is 25% off your next visit.'

Do you get the picture? We all want to feel wanted. That we matter. That we are important.

It takes very little effort to make others feel special. But because of our own guarded heart, selfishness, hurt and all about me attitude we often toss others aside to protect ourselves. 

We need to take a look at the words "it's not all about me" and apply it where we can in our lives. Step outside of your normal, your comfort zone, your own head and take a look at the situation from the other side. 

When I say I can' heart needs to hear you truly wanted me to.
When I say I'm heart needs to hear I was appreciated.
When I say I'm going...I need to know you wish I was staying.
When I say I quit...I need to know I was valuable.
When I say good bye...I need to know I will be missed.
When I have something to say...I need to know you are listening.
When I matter to heart needs to hear you tell me so.

Many years ago when I was about 9 or 10, I was standing at the front door of our house with my parents as they said good bye to some friends. They hugged each other good bye and then my dad said "Thank you" to them as they turned and walked out the door. I looked at my dad with confusion in my head and asked why he said 'thank you' to them because it was my parents who were the hosts. My dad said, very matter-of-fact "it is because they came to our home, because we appreciated their company, because we are thankful for their friendship" Dad told those friends they were the most important people in his life at that very moment with just two words, Thank you!

Obviously a very life changing but so very simple lesson of life from Dad to me. One that has stuck for absolute ever and one that is applied in all aspects of my own life. 

It is not hard to make others feel like they matter to you. Will you watch for opportunities today to lift others spirits with a just a few simple words. Your response could just make someone's day the best ever!

A multitude of Blessings be yours as you speak blessings into those you encounter today ♥ LR

Friday, January 27, 2012

Treasures in Tragedy

When my 22 year old son died in a motorcycle accident in 2007, my heart, life and solid foundation were not only shaken..but in many cases absolutely shattered, broken beyond recognition and shredded!

Over time (the feeling of forever can not be measured) healing started peaking through the darkest of days and I became aware of rays of hope, of light and of promise. These rays had names, earthly names, human hearts, love filled spirits and gentle, healing hugs. It was the people that enveloped our wounded, broken hearts that became our treasures in the worst tragedy imaginable.

Our close knit circle of friends that never left our sides, our home or our hearts for days, weeks, months and some not for years after Jarvis' death are treasures that are immeasurable. There is not a value available in our human vocabulary to express what their friendship means to us. I think we have voiced it, shown it and lived out our love for them in every way possible over time...but it will never be enough. Our love and gratitude will always be at the centre of hearts and memories.

So to you dear friends...Thank you once again for loving us through our personal hell. Your greatest rewards await you in eternity. For now? You have our offering of a lifetime of our love. 

♥Friends are one Earthly Treasure that could be yours for eternity♥

On June 15, 2007 our house was taken over by our 'shock absorbers'. The circle I mentioned above and young people! A continuous stream yes, but also a tight circle that took over our basement, family photos, computer and scrapbooking supplies. OH...and my heart! These 20 somethings (some a wee bit younger) flooded our home and heart with an emotional energy that is only possible in the midst of a storm.

The love that reverberated throughout these young spirits was miraculous, healing, grounding, warming and amazing. Youth that couldn't stand one another only 2 days prior came together to perform the most incredible, unselfish and creative display of love filled brokenness. Their gift of love, time and heart are treasures that are buried in a place of foreverness within my mothers heart.

There are others. Other young people. Others who continue to bless my heart in his memory. Others who I will forever have a connection to. Others who love me (love us!) because Jarvis loved others. 

The relationships that have stemmed from such tragedy are roses with sweet and lasting fragrance. The many young people that call me Mamma, Momma, Mommy, Mamma Robyn, Mom and Gramma Robyn and even those that still insist on Mrs Movold and Roybn (OY!) have become petals among the thorny scars of deep grief. 

These young people taught me how to love without judgement. How to love in the fullest form of acceptance. How to look past the visual and focus on the core of their very being, their heart. The lessons learned continue to serve me well wherever I find myself and whom ever I encounter. I love from a place I never knew existed. I love from somewhere I had never been before. I love from a place I never would have chosen. I love from a changed heart.

I am forever changed because of the loss of a child. 
I am forever changed because he loved with
  such abandon, such truth, such acceptance.
I am forever changed because his heart held so many. 
I am forever changed as his baton of unconditional love was passed to me.
I am forever changed as those who loved him, poured their love on me.
I am forever changed by those who were changed by his love.
I am forever changed because you call me friend.
I am forever changed because you call me Momma.
I am forever changed because he called me mom.

Our greatest and deepest time of sorrow can hold wonderful treasures. My treasures have names, earthly names, human hearts & love filled spirits.

At your darkest hour (whatever that may be for YOU) I pray you too will be blessed with a host of earthly angels, a chest of wondrous treasures and an abundance of unconditional love. 

Time does not heal 'all things'...sorry. But 'all things' can find a place where time isn't measured. 

Blessings be abundantly yours today as you unearth Treasures of your own ♥ LR

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Blended Mess of Wonderfulness

One thing is sure in my life...I am forever changing!

I had a precious friend tell me this week "You have changed a lot, but you are still the same" I LOVE that!

It is so very true. I am a very different person today than I was 8 months ago. And I was a very different person 8 months ago from the person I had become over 4 years ago.

I am not who I once was. And I am okay with that!

I have met with a few business minded people over the last week and this truth about being someone different came out in full glory.

I had to explain that I may have said one thing, but I truly meant something different....that is until I process it into the head and heart space I now reside; which then changes where I am really coming from altogether! If that makes sense to you...congratulations, we must be kindred spirits!

I believe I can get away with that kind of thought processing when it is all based on openness, honesty & a place of vulnerability. I am not trying to be someone I am not...any more. And I will be the first to tell you, I don't have it all figured out. It is okay to falter, stumble and even fail.  OH WHAT??? Did that just come from me? Wow, I really am different! How many years I have spent attempting to hide my faults and failures.

I realize now that the only person I was fooling was me, as truth has a way of showing it's beautiful self!

I spent years accepting others expectations they placed on me and bending over backwards to not let them down. To live up to all they expected. Give them all they hoped for, all they desired.  Not verbalizing the stress I felt or the inadequacies of my abilities. I lived by the term 'fake it 'till you make it'!

I don't believe I did it for them per say. For when we do something for the praise of others we truly are doing it for ourselves. At the time I felt I was giving of self and thinking only of others. It is now I realize how messed up I was. For it was me who needed the results. Me who needed the thanks and words of well done.

Truth of heart and soul has been revealed to me recently and I no longer need to live up to peoples expectations. I also no longer accept others expectations. And, I no longer place unnecessary expectations on my self. I don't need praise and accolades from those around me like I used to.

I believe it is because I have come to a healing place of acceptance... for the person I am, the person I was created to be.

A wonderful mess of Blessings to you today ♥ LR

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hugs from my ♥ to your ♥

I have some...

I have an earthly Angel friend
I have a Daisy a Day Friend
A Beautiful Hippy Friend
A Hot **** Friend (name blocked to protect the innocent!) =)
A Lady Friend
Many a 'My friend'
A gf
I have a Sister for life friend
I have an 'again' friend.....or three
I have health/food/lifestyle minded friends
I have a few daughters from other mothers friends
I have new friends
I have a couple of red neck friends
Island friends
Spiritual friends
BC Friends
AB friends
Friends by choice
Friends by family
family friends
Praying friends
I have a childhood friend
I have an encourager friend
a difficult friend
a number of supportive friends
Always going to be there for me, friends
Wanna be friends (both I wanna and they wanna)
Business friends
Client friends
a number of my kids friends are also my friends
& a very best friend.

I was not sure why I felt the need to write a list of who my friends were until I was done...

I needed to assure myself this day that I am not in this life alone. I needed to show my heart that there are many in my world who have love for me and are deeply loved by me.

Moving 1000kms away from a life time of friends has been difficult to say the least. Friday of last week was a day that my heart ached for those who knew the real me. For those who walked the difficult path of my brokenness and loved me through it and despite it. I ached for those that knew me before and loved me still. I ached for the familiar, the comfortable. And although I still find comfort from a phone call, text, email, wall post or is just not the same as a hug.

The best description of a hug comes from my Lady Friend who sent me hugs a couple of weeks back. 'Hugs - the really tight kind, the ones that remind you that at that moment you are the only person the hugger is thinking of - to you!!!'

That comment filled with me such comfort on the day it was received. Such presence of her and her love for me. Such an uplifting of my spirit happens each and every time I read that line.

It is in the hugging that a friendship is strengthened. 
A wrong is righted.
A hurt is softened. 
A tear is dried. 
A heart is held. 
An honesty is felt.
A truth is shared. 
A distance is crossed.
A comfort given 
& a comfort received. 
It is in the hugging that strength is shared.
courage offered,
Hope given,
Loneliness dispelled
Blessings received
And Love is poured out.

Blessings will be abundantly yours as you reach out and Hug from your Heart ♥ LR

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Same, Yet Different

Where one finds healing, another may find brokenness.
Where one sees healing, another may view hurt.
Where one hears the heart of healing, another may hear despair.
Where one is touched by healing, another may be battered by pain.
Where one tastes healing, another may spew disgust.
Where one breathes in healing beauty, another inhales ugliness.

We walk through the same experience and come out completely different individuals.

Sometimes it is from the choices we make. Sometimes by the character of each. Sometimes from the walls that surround us. Sometimes it is stubbornness. Sometimes Pride. Sometimes foolishness. Sometimes fear. Sometimes it is our desire to stand alone. Sometimes it is based on relationship. Sometimes it is our need for others. Sometimes it is our refusal of help. Sometimes it is that we are individuals, unique, different & distinctive. 

My walk is not your walk. Nor is your walk, mine,
I did not become who I am today by walking a straight line.
I veered to the left while you turned to the right,
It's been a while now, and your heart is still not in sight.

My walk is not your walk. Nor is your walk, mine,
although both have walked the downward slop, as well as the steep incline.
the bruises, bumps, cuts and such, one day we will compare,
but not until your brokenness you are willing to reveal, to share.

My walk is not your walk. Nor is your walk, mine,
I spent some time with open wounds, while you still say you are fine.
My life has changed quite drastically and without doubt yours has too,
The pain, hurt and agony need not hold on any longer to you.

My walk is not your walk. Nor is your walk, mine,
The hurt still stings and is overgrown much like a prickly vine.
I found a Gardner I do like to prune away the pain,
My heart cries out to in the Healing Rain!

My walk is not your walk. Nor is your walk mine,
Hope and faith have washed the wounds, the scars will always shine,
I beg for you to take your hurt and your festering heart,
And place it in the Hands of He, who offers a brand new start.

May Blessings wash over you today as you too dance in the Healing Rain ♥ LR

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Snow Day!

After about 18" of snow fell in our little part of Vancouver Island I think it is justifiable to call a snow day. 'Tis true we didn't get the -50 that Calgary was experiencing and without hesitation Albertans, you win and certainly deserve the right to call a snow day, no justification required!

Here on the Island, prior to yesterday we have had a skiff or two of snow. Reading the status' on facebook showed many in the area desiring, wishing, dreaming of and hoping for a 'snow day'. Much to their dismay it didn't happen on the day they dreamily watched a few flakes float from the frosty sky.

Yesterday, however was a different story! I truly felt like we had been transported back to Alberta and the wonderful (NOT!) winter days they have been experiencing of late. I thanked our God above for the convenience of our made for Alberta vehicle. Two 10 minute remote starts, heated seats and great traction made for a fairly easy trip into work. It only took me 5 minutes more than usual.  I was very thankful that the roads were not real busy at 9:30 in the morning with the self acclaimed 'terrible island drivers'!

I must admit though, I missed my garage! My vehicle was covered in snow that was more like Alberta dry snow than the BC wet stuff I had been promised. But clearing off about 12" of it first thing of my  morning was a blessing it was light and dry. It was the clearing off that was a bit foreign for this princess! The last 13 years my car was either in the garage or My Man was close at hand to do the deed for me!

Ah well...the weather is certainly not worth negative energy and certainly not what this blog is about!

I find it interesting to note that the people in my world, both BC and Alberta are desiring a snow day. What is a snow day? It is a day when you go nowhere, do nothing, hunker down, jammies all day, hot chocolate & fire (or a hot air furnace vent!), snuggle with the kids, dogs or hunny, read, play games and hibernate kind of day.

This is the same kind of day my youngest son used to be the master of during Christmas breaks from school. This kid could wear out his brand new pair of Christmas pj's in the 10 days off of school if it was cold enough to stay indoors and hibernate! He knew how take it to the max! Of course, every snow day deserves a breath of fresh air, snow forts, snowballs, snow angels & jumping from the roof, tramp or deck railing into a freshly piled hill of powdery, white, dry Alberta snow! Snow pants over the pj's and he was good to go!

The two provinces I have now lived in and most of North America have an extra day off in almost every month of the year, ie New Years day, Family day, Good Friday, Canada Day etc. I think the idea behind these stats was to enjoy my definition of a snow day WITHOUT the snow!

A time to hunker down with those in close proximity to you, your family. A time to get reacquainted, reunited and rejuvinated. A time to *RESET*.  A time to regroup, rebuild, restore and rest.

Our world, society and lifestyle in North America is to go 24/7. Non-stop. Continuous.

We pell-mell through life, getting kids to all the activities that is a must these days, getting ourselves to one, two or five self-improvement classes of some sort, business meetings, our full time jobs, being active with our hobbies and passions, handle the mountains of paper that comes through any household door, shop, cook, clean, manage a family and household and, and, and, and... You get the idea, I am sure!

Our lives are busy. Too busy. Too full. Too much. Too many. Too fast. Too big.

We go because that is what is required of us....right?

We go because we don't know what else to do...right?

We go because it is expected of us...right?

We go because our friends go...right?

We go because our neighbours go...right?

We go because it is best for our children...right?

We go because it is fun...right?

We go because we don't know how to stop...right?

Our lives are busy. Too busy. To full. Too much. Too many. Too fast. Too big.

And yet one little snow flake flutters from the clouds above and we are hoping, wishing, desiring, dreaming of a Jammies all day, snow day. We are wishing for a day to just STOP!

I say, don't wait for mother nature to throw you a snow day once a year.

Stop wishing and start creating. Create one day each week, yes every week! One day where you play together, lay together, read together, talk together, walk together, snuggle together, be together. One day to *RESET*. One day without hurry. One day without destination. One day to be lazy.

If you have trouble fitting in a regular snow day, it is time to re-evalute your life.

When you give the excuse life is too busy for you, tell yourself that life is too short not to!

Blessings to you today as you enjoy the truest meaning of a snow day in both Alberta and BC ♥ LR

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Work of a Dream

My man and I were encouraged today to put together a business plan for Healing Rain here on the island. And then not just for the business but our lives as well. Goal setting. Long range plans. Short term plans. Pipe dreams. Little wishes. Huge hopes. And grandiose visions of our future.

For some, this is an easy task. Those who like to dream. Day dream. Window shop. Pretend games and games of make-believe. Some People.... very much like my man. He has already written out a quick version of where he wants to go, be and do. He has the ability of putting his imagination into quick action and dreaming up all kinds of wonderful, wondrous lives and events.

For others, this is a most difficult endeavour. Practical. Grounded. Don't shop if you can't buy. Reality driven. Focused, kind of people. And...that would be me. Research comes first, followed by practicality of goal. (GOAL, NOT DREAM!) Weighing the consequences, variables and possible out comes. I have yet to pick up pen and paper and start. 

After all, how do I know where I will be or even desire to be in 10 years?? I kept telling this kind soul that life was too short to plan 10 years down the road. He kept bringing me back to the fact, I thought almost 5 years ago that life was too short and look at the trouble we now find ourselves in. A big part due to the lack of setting plans or goals. 

OH, we had and still do have some dreams. After all it is our dreams that brought us to the Island and set our feet on a new adventure with new beginnings. But looking at the future and not truly putting plans to paper has set us back more years then we had hoped or wished for.

I will not be discouraged by the change of events we are encountering in the last couple of months. I choose to look at the changes as a good thing, a God thing. After all, He has been the one directing our steps since we started this island adventure. The recent changes are forcing a greater step of faith. A stronger resolve to trust. A more determined attitude to do things different.

So..we are bound and determined to write out a 10 year plan for our lives. I will muster up the dreams and desires that are buried deep within. I will set aside the fears of disappointment, discouragement and disbelief. I will shake off the doubt and fear of success. I will let go of anxiety and worry. I will believe that the plans that God has for me, for us, are plans to prosper and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. 

It is time to put the past behind us a little bit more. Time to look to our future with awe and wonder and success. Time to live out the passions, the dreams and the talents that have been poured into our souls, our spirits, our hearts. 

What I am not looking forward to is the actual piecing together of the business plan. Why can't I just know what I know and do what it is I do and have it all just fall wonderfully into a perfect place of great success?  

I should have known this 'work' before me was coming. I was given little insights from a few different sources that this was a natural next step for us. Like last week when we watched the Dragons Den and I verbally put out there that I 'hated' the thought of a business plan. And that I could never be a participant on the show because I could never put one together! Never, say never! 

Or the fact that of late I have been saying "I just want the business to come to me, I don't want to do the work to bring it here. I just want to be successful by waiting"! OY!!! Me and my big mouth! For here is this wise, well off individual who has offered wonderful advise, valuable mentoring and coming along side of us while we let go of the 'why' we failed and reach for where we can flourish!

My first couple of goals...
  • to START the process before Friday is over. I will have jotted down some ideas, ideals, dreams, goals, hopes and wishes.
  • I will have looked up business plan templates and chose the one we will use.
Ahhh I feel more successful already! It is in print. You have read it. I don't like to fail and I definitely do not like to let others down. I will follow through with these first two goals! Thank you for holding me accountable.

Blessings be yours as you look to your future in a new light ♥ LR

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Slippery Slope

It is a slippery slope that I walk each and every day.
I try to wear the proper footwear to keep me from sliding down that slope.
I wear proper attire.
I am not to proud to use a hand rail when available.
And I will reach for a hand when offered.
I listen to the forecast and the warnings and attempt to adjust to the conditions.
I have become better at heeding advise as I step out on that slope each day.
I am mostly aware of the grade of the slope and adjust my gait accordingly.
I research and study and read some of the material out there with regard to this slope.
I am cautious and send out my own warnings to those I see.
At the end of each day I take a moment to examine the bumps and bruises I acquired.
I cleanse and nurse the cuts and I wait for the bruises to heal in their own time.
Sometimes the day ends in tears as my man tenderly comes along side and doctors the wounds his way.

It is then I crawl into bed and rest, preparing for a new start to a new day on the slope.

It is then I ponder and think and wonder and remember. It is then I realize that as I was slip, sliding along the slope that I was not alone. There were others doing the same thing. Struggling to keep their footing, wishing they had of dressed different & prepared better. Others who ended up with just as many, if not more, bumps and bruises than I.

When I think about the many that crossed my path whilst sliding, it is both humerous and sad. Some of these were prepared to the hilt and others barely decent for public viewing. Some were those that had warned and taught me in the past. Some were caught off guard while their own guard was down. Some were just going with it; no regard for safety, caution or the concern of outcome. 

Where is this treacherous slope I describe? Why would I choose to stand on this slope, let alone walk it each and every day? You may wonder why I don't alter the path in my day. You may wonder how so many of us end up on the same one... 

Speaking. Communicating. Conversing. Verbally sharing of information. Chatting. Filling the void of silence. Talking. 

We all do it. It is natural. Healthy. Normal. Necessary. 

However... The tongue is a dangerous thing. The words we speak can cause us to fall or keep us steady. Words can destroy a person, a relationship, a business, a heart, a family, a community, neighbourhood, town and if really powerful; words can destroy a nation.

For most of us our world is small enough that the nation doesn't rest on our shoulders or the words we say. Mostly the slippery slope of an unguarded tongue only hurts those around us, in our general vicinity, within the confines of our own community. 

The opposite is also true....The words we speak can build up a person, a relationship, a business, a heart, a family, a community, neighbourhood, town and yes, even a nation.

The power of an unguarded tongue is not a new revelation for any of us. Walking this slippery slope is a path we all must encounter, engage in and conquer. 'Think before you speak' still holds true. As does 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all'. 

Prepare yourself for the darting of words directed at you. 
Prepare & guard yourself for the words you have of potentially unleashing on others. 

Prepare yourself for the slippery slope that is just outside your door. In your kitchen. At the office. At church. The grocery store. Doctors office. Your friends house. The coffee shop. The newspaper article you are writing. The Blog you keyed this morning. The telephone call you are just about to make. Your childs school. Your childs heart. The lunch room. 

Blessings be yours as you learn to walk for the conditions ♥ LR

Monday, January 16, 2012

When it rains....

This phrase 'when it rains, let it' sums up what I have been feeling for some time. It is in there with 'don't sweat the small stuff', 'Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill' & 'If you don't mind, it don't matter'

When it rains, let it.

You can't stop the rain. The snow or the sleet. 
The wind. nor the cold, or the blazing heat. 

Don't fret in a traffic jam. A line up out the door. 
A doctors waiting room. A crowded store. 

Keep your cool with other drivers, waitresses & pedestrians, 
children, the handicapped & senior citizens.

Take a deep breath, when your newspaper's missing, your mail is late 
or your garbage bin's not at your gate.

Let anger go, when the power goes out, the internet's down 
and your cell phone can not be found.

The price of wheat, fuel or gold, 
worrying about this just makes you old.

Complaining, fretting, anger and such...
won't make a difference, won't amount to much!


When it rains, let it.

Whether it be gentle showers or blinding downpours.

When it rains, let it.

For it is when we dance in the rain that beauty blooms.

When it rains, let it.

It is when we splash in the puddles our sorrows are drowned.

When it rains, let it.

It is when we storm watch that we are filled with wonder and awe.

When it rains, let it.

It is when the sun appears whilst the rain falls we are washed with amazing light.

When it rains, let it.

For when the rain stops it is then we are flooded with gentle peace.

When it rains, let it.

 sun kissed earth & hope all aglow, under the arch of the Masters Rainbow.

When it rains, I let it.

Blessings be yours this day as you dance in the rain (or roll in the snow!) ♥ LR

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Honestly speaking....

Lately I have had a certain someone on my heart and mind. And once I start with that individual, my head and heart start to bleed into others as well. I am sure we all have people in our lives that cause us to examine ourselves, question our motives, check our actions and reconsider our next step. 

I have a fault. Actually, I have many! But today, would it be okay if we just focused on one? I am not here to beat myself up! =)

I am honest. Truthful. Tell it like it is. Shoot straight from the hip. HONEST.

I don't think I always have been. I believe it has developed with age and circumstance. I think it might fall into the catagory "Life is too short...."

I am going to use a very strong, negative word here but it truly does best describe my feeling. 

I HATE the games that are prevalently played in our society! 

Something as minor as the bartering that is done in certain stores (ie Antique) or garage sales, car sales, house sales etc. It doesn't make sense to me. And I believe it is a game of 'what can I get away with', which translates into dishonesty and greed in my head.

I mean, seriously! If your bottom line for your used car is $4000 than why not just be honest and say that? If you can afford to take $10,000 less on your home then why not advertise it that way? Why do credit card companies have various interest rates? Were you aware that often if you ask for less of an interest rate you could get it?? Really?  Does that not tell you something? It tells me they believe 'lets not offer our best because we make so much more $$$ with our poorest'!!!  OY!  I HATE the games!!

I tend to be a very intuitive and perceptive person. I can walk in a room or place of business and often see the fakes, the phonies, the wannabe's. I have a sense for the underlying tones in a chance encounter. It can be pretty easy for me to read between the lines. Often times I have wished to be naive. Blind to what is going on around me. Oblivious to the lies, deceit, scams and cons. 

I am not even talking professional scams or cons! Just the ones played out by those we rub shoulders with. The shop keepers, employers, neighbours, family and some we call friends.  

I do get it wrong sometimes. This bit about reading people and their motives. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised as to how wrong I can be and rejoice at a new love. A new friend. A new place to shop. Or a new place to hang out. 

There have been a few times over the years where I have stepped out on a limb, with my ultra sensitive heart (I know, it's another fault and another blog some day!) and watched it blow up in my face...rather watched my heart be trampled and broken. And I have asked myself a zillion times over 'was I too honest?'  Should I have confronted? Should I have questioned? Should I have done things differently? Should I have ignored the issues at hand? This is where my earthly Angel would step in and say "it is not about you!" And she is right. The outcome of these situations, if done with love, in truth, with kindness and pure motive is not my issue. It is resting on the shoulders and the hearts of those involved. It is no longer my 'stuff'.

Imagine the situation of a friend going to another friend and saying, with love, in truth, with kindness and pure motive "your husband is cheating on you" (THIS IS NOT A SITUATION I WAS INVOLVED IN; JUST AN EXAMPLE.) How many would 'shoot' the messenger? Or, friend goes to friend and says "I really don't think you are being fair to yourself, your heart or your God by sleeping around on your husband" (THIS IS NOT A SITUATION I WAS INVOLVED IN; JUST AN EXAMPLE.) How many would end the friendship with the honest, pure of heart friend?  

Would you tell your friend she looks smokin hot in a dress that would look better on my grandmother? Or would you ask if she wants to go shopping with you? Would your friend still love you if you told her how it honestly looked? Do you tell your husband when he hurts you, whether emotionally or God forbid physically? Or when he doesn't meet your needs? Do you tell your employer "no I won't tell Mr. Smith you aren't here because you are standing before me"? 

The point here is that I will be the first to admit an Honest Heart can be painful, can end relationships and break hearts. I have learned this the hard and hurtful way. I have learned to weigh the consequences carefully and with prayer. I continue to check my motives. Confronting with honesty is also something I don't do on a daily, weekly and thank God not even a monthly basis! 

Will I stop being honest to save my heart from being broken? I am designed and created in the image of a loving God. He gave me this intuitive, sensitive and honest heart. I don't like 'games' for a reason. And I don't see that changing any time soon! 

Being honest is NOT about being cruel! It is NOT about making yourself look good or better? It is NOT about intentionally hurting someone! It is NOT a crusade to be won!


When the situation has no other alternatives but to confront, we need to check our motive, approach with love, with truth of heart and with kindness. We have to trust the process and believe the outcome will please God and not self. We have to step back and allow the individual to respond &/or react in the way they best see for themselves. And we need to continue to pray for the individuals involved and sometimes we need to pray for a renewed and healthy friendship to be restored. 

Blessings to you from my love-filled, honest ♥ straight to yours ♥ LR

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Preparing for Royalty

Good Morning!

The sky is just starting to lighten around me as I click out this brief blog today!

I have so much food prep, house cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry & planning to do. Of course throw in some actual 'paid for' work, A man, a beast and I can't forget to take care of ME! And, well...I have to keep moving!

I am getting good at preparing for overnight guests. A Bed & Breakfast truly would suit me! Would anyone care to fund one? We will run it and give you a great return on your investment!  Perhaps that is for another time and place?

Having lived in the area where we were born and raised the first half of our lives did not allow for many overnight guests. Of course having the house full to the rafters with young children and a very busy life, didn't allow for much opportunity either! 

I personally am loving the guests! The one on one extended time spent with those you care about and love is a treasure to enjoy!  Back home I had to get my fill of special people over a short meal or an even shorter glass of wine, cup of coffee or an hour long walk. 

Façades are dropped when you wake in the morning with your hair all a mess and your most comfy pair of jammies ever! Coffee by the fire, a 2 or 3 hour car tour, chatting about everything and nothing into the latest hour of the day, hikes, strolls, meals, snacks, shopping and a Raindrop, massage or Reflexology appointment....truly, how can you not get to know one another better?

This weekend however goes above and beyond any other guest we could ever host. This weekend, I am preparing all three dinners to have in our home (NO restaurants for dinner! ...YIKES!!). This weekend I am putting on the ritz! I am thinking ahead, yes actually planning! Where will we tour, where will we hike, which of our regular walks will be the best? I am super excited to be preparing for two of the most amazing and special people in our lives. Yes, they come in tops over even our closest friends! (sorry guys, but I know you understand!)

I have spent my life (okay, my adult life!) desiring to please these people. So many of our lives decisions were based from their example, wisdom, direction. We have tried to show honour and respect in all that we do when it comes to them, desired to make them proud and pleased when they hear our names. Their praise, acceptance and reciprocated respect often fuels us onward and gives us strength.

I was going to write a new poem today in honour of these precious souls, but I have decided to share one with you that I wrote in 2008 for their 50th anniversary. The poem was written in such a way that as each name was said that special someone would walk up to this couple and present to them a rose. At the end of the procession, 17 long stem roses were received. Each one given with the highest regard and respect that could ever be bestowed upon a couple. 

The Roses amongst the Thorns















Now would you kindly excuse me as I continue my race to make all things as perfect as possible for our honoured guests this weekend ~ Bob & Adena Paget ~ My WONDERFUL, PRECIOUS AND GREATLY ADORED PARENTS!

Blessings be yours today as you think about the special people in your own world! ♥ LR

Monday, January 9, 2012

If seeing is believing...

I see it!
I see what has become different!
I see the changes!
I see healing!
I see newness!
I see forward movement!
I feel it!
I feel the space from then to now!
I feel the exhilaration of goals reached!
I feel the difference within my being!
I feel the shedding of old and the covering of new!
I feel the hope of forward movement!
I live it!
I choose to rejoice in the change!
I choose to accept the new!
I choose to embrace the light!
I choose to dance with new strength!
I choose to live free in the forward movement!
I love it!
I love the new me that is here!
I love the letting it all go feeling!
I love the distance of heart that can actually be measured!
I love the lighter load!
I love the ongoing steps in the forward movement!
If seeing is believing, I can now believe!
If feeling brings new hope, I can now achieve!
If Living gives new freedom, I can now be Free!
If Loving moves me forward, the future, now I see!

Two major milestones were reached this week. Both completely unrelated. Both I have been striving after. Desiring change. Desiring freshness. Desiring hope. Desiring tangible, touchable, life altering change.

The first; a heart altering change that involves a friend, a wall and a changed spirit! Was that really me with her? Where were the walls I built over the years? Where was the jealousy? Where was the envy? Where was my defensive spirit? Where was my gavel of judgement?  

For YEARS, absolute YEARS, I have wanted to be a different person. I knew my faults. I knew my short comings. I knew my evil heart. I knew. I desired change. I prayed for change. I hoped for change. I faked change. I cried for change. I sought after change. I so desperately wanted to be different, completly and truly different!

And then...there it was! I was different! I had changed! Real change! Pure of heart change! What freedom to finally see a new me! What a blessing to look back and see the miles covered! To know the old was gone and the new shining brightly! I Believe!

If seeing is believing, I can now believe!
If feeling brings new hope, I can now achieve!
If Living gives new freedom, I can now be Free!
If Loving moves me forward, the future, now I see!

The second; A health altering change that involves the battle of the bulge! I went on a juice cleanse for three days this past week that pushed my inner workings into a bit of a healing crisis. 

After researching and setting up an appointment with a health professional I have hope of complete healing with the weight and health that I have battled for EVER! There are too many facets to this life altering change to share it all now. 

BUT, I did want to share the exuberance of heart that I am feeling as I go forward with this health altering change!  Something I have prayed for. Sought after with diligence. Hoped for. Cried for. Something I so desperately wanted to be different. Something I have beat myself over for far too long. 

And now...There is hope! I see change!  I Believe!

If seeing is believing, I can now believe!
If feeling brings new hope, I can now achieve!
If Living gives new freedom, I can now be Free!
If Loving moves me forward, the future, now I see!

Blessings to you today as you measure the distance you have travelled ♥ LR

Friday, January 6, 2012

Home sweet Home

We have been in our new digs for just over 4 months now. Yesterday as we were cleaning our little abode I was struck with the gut wrenching, heart breaking moment of not being home.

Every box we brought with us has been unpacked and there is a space for everything we own. There was debate this would be possible when My Man arrived with ALL our belongings mid september. I thought we had sold pretty much everything we owned. And then...he opened up the door to the big truck. OY!  Really? We kept all that? Surely you collected stuff on your trip over here! But, alas...Nope! It was all the treasures I couldn't part with when we started our down-size to a simpler life.

Unloading the truck was both a treat and a trek! We took our time...3 days to be exact! And did what every redneck'er done!!

It was so wonderful to have my lovely red dishes that a dear friend had given me as an early christmas present. I unpacked each with joy in my heart and a smile on my face as I pictured her at my side helping me.

My cherished china that I have the privilege of calling mine. I have 4 different sets. YES, 4! Each set has a story. Each story has a special place in my heart. As I Unwrapped each piece I was taken to another place and time, with a very special someone from my life now past. I was oh so very glad that the China made it safely, nothing broken and found it's home once again in my china chest.

The picture chest. AHHHH the delightful chest that weighs 300lbs (or something close to that!), full of memories from my childhood, my wedding, the births and lives of my three wonderful sons and a cumulative 26 years of school keepsakes! The chest itself earned its own right as a 'keeper', it was custom made with such love by the hands of a dear, dear great uncle of mine, Peter Vogt. The delightful memories of so many years passed had arrived in my world again!

It isn't just what the chest holds or the history of it. It is also what took place each time it was opened over the years. With my boys at my side, how many times we went through that wooden crate. Their wonderful questions, the relayed stories and our family memories shared those days are absolutely priceless. And then of course the times we went through it with a girlfriend or two. Because of these memories....I cherish each time I must now go through it alone. 

Memories. Blessed. Sweet. Precious. Wonderful. Bittersweet.

I was happy to have my red electric kettle, the toaster oven, wine glasses, utensils, a garbage can, wall pictures, the couches and my Mexican furniture. Bringing it all in and unpacking felt somewhat like Christmas. Fitting it in was a different story.

We did it. Then I reorganized. Then we shifted. Then we got rid of a couple of items we really did not need. Then I re-arranged. Then we replaced some of the things we got rid of in Alberta and reorganized again. Until finally...I could look around and say 'Well done'! On occasion, I have missed some of the 'stuff' we let go of in Alberta...but then I remind myself; it is just 'stuff'. The memories are held deep in my heart for all time.

Cue yesterday and our cleaning house. It is not the first time we have cleaned our borrowed home...not by any means! But it the first time I needed the counter stool that had been tucked in the corner of the master bedroom. I needed it cleared off of its contents. The contents that had been laid to rest since October! The items I didn't touch, dust, adjust or cover up. 

Now remember, I said all the boxes were unpacked? Everything had a place and everything was in its place? Well...mostly that was true. Except for this one stack of untouchables. This one stack that would finalize our move from Alberta to British Columbia. These few items that would push me that one final step to a new lifestyle, new beginnings, new adventures. Putting these few articles where they belonged would make our new little abode home. ....right?

If home is where the heart is
than my home must be with you
For wherever you reside, I want to be there too.

I want to be in your presence
no matter what it costs
I would give it all up, even though the price is lots!

There is just one wee problem
that prevents the follow through
It's that my heart is torn in pieces, at least three or two.

And so I must remember now
the heart that named me mom
must learn to let you fly and soar, To each that I call Son

And now dear readers (I want to call you 'droplets'!)  do you know what the last remaining items were, Waiting to be placed in their 'permanent' home? The stack of untouchables that caused so much heart ache, tears and a huge sense of not letting go? 

....Pictures of my children. Cherished, framed, lovely, precious, adorable and down right good looking pics of my three handsome, wonderful and dearly missed boys. The pictures that I had actually arranged on the floor in front of the wall they were to be hung. They were to be in our bedroom, greeting me as I rose each morning and looking on for our good night wishes at the end of each day. I didn't realize it then...but I completely understand it now. I stacked those pictures away that day in October because I was tired and told myself I would hang them tomorrow. Tomorrow never came. Well, actually many tomorrows did come! Just not the Tomorrow that saw the pictures in their new home. 

Maybe now. Now with new understanding, new realization and new strength. Now is the time to let them go just a wee bit more and accept the miles between us. Now is the time to embrace the change that has come! Now is the time to say 'Welcome Home' dear heart.

Will you please do me a favour and ask me next week how the pictures on my bedroom wall look. Hopefully I will be able to say 'absolutely wonderful'!

Blessings to you as you cherish the home where your heart resides ♥ LR

A house is built with boards and beams; a home is built with love and dreams

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Lion-Hearted

When I think of COURAGE I think of Lions, and.....
The courage of a Lion
  • The terminally ill. 
  • My aunt who passed away many years ago.
  • My sister-in-law (the first close family member to move away from our home town).
  • My Man.
  • A friend who has taken on her ex in the courts without a lawyer. 
  • My parents who have beat all odds and are still together after 54 years of marriage.
  • A number of young people who have NOT bought into the destructive lifestyle so prevalent in our society
  • a number of couples I know who are fighting the good fight and staying committed to one another.
  • Three specific men who overcame the disease of alcoholism; one for decades now, one for about a decade and one for under two years.
  • A senior cousin (2nd to me I think) riddled with disease, family heartache and mental illness.
As I started this list, I honestly thought there were only a few that I felt were truly courageous. I am surprised, pleasantly so, at the number of people who are coming to my mind and heart. I know alot of courageous, wonderfully strong, determined individuals and I simply cannot list them all here! Bless you each and everyone today and the year to come (you are in my prayers)!

Courage(eous) is a new word for me. I am hearing it more often. I am contemplating its meaning.


  [kur-ij, kuhr-]  
the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without  fearbravery.

At different times in our life we are all faced with various trials, struggles, temptations, fears, pains, difficulties, stresses, illness of one degree or another, loss, and challenges.

It is what we do in the face of adversity that defines our level of courage.

The lion stalks, the lion roars and opens wide his jaw
He is the King of all the beasts; and rules without a flaw.
when he is challenged in any way he swipes a powerful claw
The pounce and kill with courage bold; shows he is jungle law!

When you feel stalked and hear a roar don't turn and run with fear
Find courage buried deep within to face what brought you here
The battles may be many, the challenges splashed with a tear
Stand fast dear heart and hold on tight, for the King of ALL is near! 

We always have a choice. We can choose to be courageous. We can choose weakness. I am not telling you it is easy. I am telling US it is worth it! It is worth it to swim up stream. It is worth it to stand out in a crowd. It is worth it be in the minority. 

It is difficult! But the greatest rewards come from the work it takes to 'shine' 
diamonds in the rough
The painfully polished result!

I have never thought myself to be one with courage. Have never used the word 'courageous' to describe me before. And then..My Man told me I was.

Having someone believe and voice that I am courageous has unleashed a whole new level of strength that was buried deep within.  It has been a catalyst for new resolve. New power. New goals. New attitude. New heart. New ideas. 

One simple sentence whispered in the night
While My Man did hold me tight
His love-filled words filtered through the dark
and left a most delightful mark!

When was the last time you told someone they were courageous, strong or brave? How about telling a friend they were an inspiration to you? Is your best friend your hero? Tell them so! 

Your words of affirmation could be the very thing they need to unleash their own courage! 

Bless you in the brilliance of your day today ♥ LR