Thursday, December 29, 2011

In The Evening.....

It felt so amazing to write again. What a switch to my inner most being once I hit the 'publish' button. We all have a purpose. When we are living life according to that purpose, peace comes. Our purpose can and does change depending on circumstances, times, relationships, age, decisions, events and seasons.

Two days ago I listed all my dreams, desires and wishes in my prayers to God. I don't do that very often. I have never been a very good dreamer as I do NOT like disappointment or failure. Yesterday, before I wrote I felt like I would never be granted, given or be blessed with any of my dreams coming to realization. Today...ALL things are possible!

When my head nestles into my pillow at night
When my man wraps me into himself, holding tight
When I allow darkness to blanket and take over the light
It is then that I trust that all is so right.

When my breathing settles and my mind starts to slow
When I let each thought, each remark, each action...go
When I forgive; it is for others and self, this I know
It is then that peace comes and worry does go.

When I lay there in quietness and allow love to be
When I look to the stars and they twinkle at me
When I wonder inside what the Future does see
It is then that gentleness comes, I am free.

When I end the day the same way it began
When I offer it to God and in no way to man
When I let it all go and trust in His plan
It is then I accept His love...because I know I can!

Blessings to you today as give it all back to Him ♥ LR

In the Morning....

Jumping in to the middle seems to work best for me. No explanation. No apologies. Just SPLASH!

When I began Blogging in July I was at a very high point of emotion. Very positive. With Direction. Purpose. Desire. It was relatively easy to write. To Share. To bring you into my world. 

I have been desiring to blog, to write again. It is in me to write. Often I have things, ideas, thoughts, dreams and events I formulate into the beginnings of a blog. I have attempted many times over the last couple of months to begin again. And then I come my laptop and I stall out. I freeze. My mind goes blank.

I know why.

I am weak. I don't do vulnerable well. I am not seeking 'help'. I am struggling. 

I don't like to share when I am here....

I have tried so many ways to pull myself out of where I keep falling. It is time to turn to pen and paper, Heart to Keyboard. Pouring out all that I am. Believing that I am loved no matter the journey I am on. Believing a key purpose of this journey, this life, this heart is to lay it out for many to see. Not because I am unique, special, one-of-a-kind, different (although I most certainly am all of those things!) I write and am called to share because YOU too have struggles. YOU too are on a journey, a path. A life of joys, delights, treasures, pain, sorrow. grief, struggles, successes and failures. YOU too begin each day fresh & new, desiring to make it a better day than the last. Desiring to bury yesterday and move forward with new resolve, promises and hope. WE are so different from one another and yet we are so much the same....

In the morning when I open my eyes
I give my attention to the heavenly skies

I offer myself, my day and my heart
To the one who gifts me a brand new start

I search for the hope that lies there within
And seek for His peace He offers again

I can't do the time set before me once more
I cry out to Him before my feet hit the floor

As the sky comes to light and lets go of the night
I focus on promise and let go of the fright

As I lazily stretch and become aware of the day
I open up heart, soul and spirit as I continue to pray

His love, peace and mercy reach out for my heart
pouring out grace and strength as I make move to just start.....

Blessings to you today as your feet hit the floor ♥ LR