Tuesday, August 16, 2011

♥ A Blanket of Love ♥

I have had the privilege of sitting at a table, various tables, various locations with some amazing people the last couple of months.

And sometimes there isn't even a table involved.

It is the amazing people that are on my heart this morning. The people and their words. Our topics of conversation. The discussing back and forth. The sharing of hearts. The intertwining of lives. The give and take of the relationship.

People from various walks of life. With numerous life experiences within their souls. Different ideas to be shared. Individual opinions and insights. Various levels of education. Everyone with knowledge and everyone with wisdom. Wisdom gleaned from all kinds of lifestyles, events and histories.

Amazing individuals that have become so interwoven into my life that sometimes I have trouble differentiating where one pure heart begins and where one veers. Where one is lost and where there is the blessing of one added.

If a blanket could be made with the fibers of each heart that has touched mine; What a glorious display that would be! The colors, the fibers, the lengths, the textures and the purpose of each....

Unique, varied, different.
Happy, sad, content.
Quiet, vocal, gentle
opinionated, wise, intuitive
lost, hurting, blessed
broken, grounded, centered,
loved, lovable, loving.

I love that my heart has been opened. Room made within. Walls torn down. Boxes destroyed. Boundaries have been reshaped, corrected and adjusted.

To reformat, rebuild, reshape the heart is an ongoing adventure. Sorting, tossing, revisiting. The work is difficult at times; seemingly impossible. And so very often too big of a task for one.

I have sought out the wisdom and experiences of others as I move forward into the different, the unknown, the renewing. Seeking direction. Hungry for approval. Searching for confirmation. At times desperately needing encouragement and praise.

I admit to some confusion as I have met with some of these amazing people. Confusion within my head, my heart. Wondering where to go from here. Desiring to take well intended advise and apply it...somehow. Desiring to please the wise, the loving, the gentle.

Obedience outweighs desire. It is comforting to realize, often times the two follow the same road, the same path, the same direction.

Uncharted territory is frightening. A reborn heart soft. The rebuilding of brokenness difficult. A renewed spirit flighty. Steadfast love important. To allow vulnerability; absolute necessity. To share it all with amazing people...A gift beyond the wildest imagination!

Bless you today as you interact with some amazing people ♥ LR


  1. You, my lovely Daughter, are a gifted and insightful writer and I so much appreciate your "musings"!
    People are so very different and some exceptionally difficult to understand but in the end, all quite wonderful!
    No one ever really knows what we are thinking except ourselves but others only know as much as we allow them to know which is an interesting concept. Even though we think we know someone, it is only our own perception that makes us think that way!!
    Great day of insight!

  2. My Dear Friend,

    I am catching up on my reading, as I was away I didn't check in as often as I usually would. I've left your blog to last as I didn't want to rush through, skimming just to read the list and catch up.... your words in this post have touched my hurting heart this afternoon. Thank you for being one of the amazing individuals in my life Robyn. Thank you for your honesty and your vulnerability and your amazing hugs!

    Love you Lady,
