Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Often times. Frequently. LOTS. I find myself on a path or going a direction I shouldn't be.

A Path where the road signs are blurred, broken, missing or meant for someone else. The scary thing is...I chose the path I was on! I looked at the directional signs that said "Go this way if you are Ruth Less" (or whom ever!). I looked, I read, I looked again and saw "Go this way if you are Ruth Less Robyn Movold"!

It is a difficult route. A rocky path. An uphill climb. It does not work for me!

When I am in tune with my inner self. My centre. The core of what makes me me.... I find I am only on the wrong path for a short while. I hit the *RESET* button and search for the right direction. The path truly intended for Robyn Movold!

I remember using the word 'STOP' when I was battling with social anxiety in my life. In the midst of a panic attack I would say the word 'stop', first in my head and if that didn't work I would say it out loud. This exercise was key to moving beyond the fear that I felt every time I was heading into a social situation. People in my life now can't believe I could ever have suffered so greatly from the disabling disorder of social anxiety/phobia.  I overcame it! (you may read my entry about my battle with Social Anxiety ~ 'My Girlfriend Tells Me - It's Not All About Me' dated August 3/11)

Now my word for retraining, reprogramming, redirecting is *RESET*. I use this word when I am confused. Hurt. Scared. Lonely. Worried. Stressed. Depressed. Today, I share this as I have had to apply it to my writings. It is because I *RESET* and think about who I am that I have been able to write again. I have to consciously tell myself the reasons I write. The reasons I blog for many to read.

Sometimes I think about my present audience. Sometimes I think about the potential audience. Sometimes I think about the readers I will have in the future. And although it is a very good idea, when writing, to consider your audience; It isn't a good idea to write to please them.

Honesty is lost if I write so you will like me. Truth is buried if I write to please you. Pureness of heart is tainted if I strive to make you happy. All for the desire of a large readership.  I am not willing to pay that price.


My journey of the past 8 months and as we head into a brand new year... A journey of being ME! The me that I was created to be. The me that I am at the very core of my being. What centres me. What strengthens me. What makes me tick.

Being ME and hitting the *RESET* button on a daily basis is what allows me to be vulnerable. It is what drives my honesty. It is the truth that I willingly wear. It is the touch to a shoulder. It is the random hug given. The smile to a stranger walking by. It is the generosity that I usually can't afford to give. It is the 'others first' mentality that gets me in far too much trouble. It is the openness of heart that visually stuns some I meet.

There is no hidden agenda. There is nothing to second guess. I wear my emotions and feelings, and usually my thoughts as well, on my sleeve for all to see. Life is to short to be closed hearted!

I like who I am! I like the real deal of Robyn Movold! AND, I like striving to please the One who made me. The ME I am intended to be. NOT living my life to please man.
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirts.  (unfortunately I do still wear those t-shirts at times....)

I will likely wear out a few dozen or so *RESET* buttons as life continues...but it isn't going to prevent me from hitting it!!

What is it about you that makes you tick? What is at the very core of your being? Who were you designed to be? Are you living the real deal?

Blessings to you today as you live honestly! LR

1 comment:

  1. And yet again Robyn......you have touched my heart!
    Thank you!
