Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hugs from my ♥ to your ♥

I have some...

I have an earthly Angel friend
I have a Daisy a Day Friend
A Beautiful Hippy Friend
A Hot **** Friend (name blocked to protect the innocent!) =)
A Lady Friend
Many a 'My friend'
A gf
I have a Sister for life friend
I have an 'again' friend.....or three
I have health/food/lifestyle minded friends
I have a few daughters from other mothers friends
I have new friends
I have a couple of red neck friends
Island friends
Spiritual friends
BC Friends
AB friends
Friends by choice
Friends by family
family friends
Praying friends
I have a childhood friend
I have an encourager friend
a difficult friend
a number of supportive friends
Always going to be there for me, friends
Wanna be friends (both I wanna and they wanna)
Business friends
Client friends
a number of my kids friends are also my friends
& a very best friend.

I was not sure why I felt the need to write a list of who my friends were until I was done...

I needed to assure myself this day that I am not in this life alone. I needed to show my heart that there are many in my world who have love for me and are deeply loved by me.

Moving 1000kms away from a life time of friends has been difficult to say the least. Friday of last week was a day that my heart ached for those who knew the real me. For those who walked the difficult path of my brokenness and loved me through it and despite it. I ached for those that knew me before and loved me still. I ached for the familiar, the comfortable. And although I still find comfort from a phone call, text, email, wall post or msg...it is just not the same as a hug.

The best description of a hug comes from my Lady Friend who sent me hugs a couple of weeks back. 'Hugs - the really tight kind, the ones that remind you that at that moment you are the only person the hugger is thinking of - to you!!!'

That comment filled with me such comfort on the day it was received. Such presence of her and her love for me. Such an uplifting of my spirit happens each and every time I read that line.

It is in the hugging that a friendship is strengthened. 
A wrong is righted.
A hurt is softened. 
A tear is dried. 
A heart is held. 
An honesty is felt.
A truth is shared. 
A distance is crossed.
A comfort given 
& a comfort received. 
It is in the hugging that strength is shared.
courage offered,
Hope given,
Loneliness dispelled
Blessings received
And Love is poured out.

Blessings will be abundantly yours as you reach out and Hug from your Heart ♥ LR


  1. What a great insight today, my Beautiful Daughter.
    great words. Iknow you know you are loved more than words can say .......or hugs but they do matter! much!

  2. Sending you a great big hug today Robyn! Wait for...wait for it....THERE! You must have felt that?
