Friday, January 27, 2012

Treasures in Tragedy

When my 22 year old son died in a motorcycle accident in 2007, my heart, life and solid foundation were not only shaken..but in many cases absolutely shattered, broken beyond recognition and shredded!

Over time (the feeling of forever can not be measured) healing started peaking through the darkest of days and I became aware of rays of hope, of light and of promise. These rays had names, earthly names, human hearts, love filled spirits and gentle, healing hugs. It was the people that enveloped our wounded, broken hearts that became our treasures in the worst tragedy imaginable.

Our close knit circle of friends that never left our sides, our home or our hearts for days, weeks, months and some not for years after Jarvis' death are treasures that are immeasurable. There is not a value available in our human vocabulary to express what their friendship means to us. I think we have voiced it, shown it and lived out our love for them in every way possible over time...but it will never be enough. Our love and gratitude will always be at the centre of hearts and memories.

So to you dear friends...Thank you once again for loving us through our personal hell. Your greatest rewards await you in eternity. For now? You have our offering of a lifetime of our love. 

♥Friends are one Earthly Treasure that could be yours for eternity♥

On June 15, 2007 our house was taken over by our 'shock absorbers'. The circle I mentioned above and young people! A continuous stream yes, but also a tight circle that took over our basement, family photos, computer and scrapbooking supplies. OH...and my heart! These 20 somethings (some a wee bit younger) flooded our home and heart with an emotional energy that is only possible in the midst of a storm.

The love that reverberated throughout these young spirits was miraculous, healing, grounding, warming and amazing. Youth that couldn't stand one another only 2 days prior came together to perform the most incredible, unselfish and creative display of love filled brokenness. Their gift of love, time and heart are treasures that are buried in a place of foreverness within my mothers heart.

There are others. Other young people. Others who continue to bless my heart in his memory. Others who I will forever have a connection to. Others who love me (love us!) because Jarvis loved others. 

The relationships that have stemmed from such tragedy are roses with sweet and lasting fragrance. The many young people that call me Mamma, Momma, Mommy, Mamma Robyn, Mom and Gramma Robyn and even those that still insist on Mrs Movold and Roybn (OY!) have become petals among the thorny scars of deep grief. 

These young people taught me how to love without judgement. How to love in the fullest form of acceptance. How to look past the visual and focus on the core of their very being, their heart. The lessons learned continue to serve me well wherever I find myself and whom ever I encounter. I love from a place I never knew existed. I love from somewhere I had never been before. I love from a place I never would have chosen. I love from a changed heart.

I am forever changed because of the loss of a child. 
I am forever changed because he loved with
  such abandon, such truth, such acceptance.
I am forever changed because his heart held so many. 
I am forever changed as his baton of unconditional love was passed to me.
I am forever changed as those who loved him, poured their love on me.
I am forever changed by those who were changed by his love.
I am forever changed because you call me friend.
I am forever changed because you call me Momma.
I am forever changed because he called me mom.

Our greatest and deepest time of sorrow can hold wonderful treasures. My treasures have names, earthly names, human hearts & love filled spirits.

At your darkest hour (whatever that may be for YOU) I pray you too will be blessed with a host of earthly angels, a chest of wondrous treasures and an abundance of unconditional love. 

Time does not heal 'all things'...sorry. But 'all things' can find a place where time isn't measured. 

Blessings be abundantly yours today as you unearth Treasures of your own ♥ LR


  1. What can I say to this bared and grateful heart!! Wonderfully written! So true and so precious, so many, so much!!

  2. I love reading your blogs, you have a wonderful way with words, feelings,and insight. I look forward to your blogs daily, my heart sinks a little when there is nothing new. Your blog touches my heart daily.

    I can feel your every emotion, regardless of what you are writing, not many have the talent to do that.

    Thank you for writing and touching my heart.

  3. Woah, once again I am totally speachless, and can barely see my computer screen with these teary filled eyes.
    Your incredible Momma!

  4. tears flowing... thanks for your words, you really do have a way with them!!

  5. Beautifully put Robyn.....touches too many raw spots for me to say anything other than thank you for sharing and confirming that we can move ahead, we are stronger than we think and that there is love and gratitude no matter how dark the day.

  6. Robyn, I am so grateful for that blog... U and Randy are truly loving people and i wanna thank you for sharing that. It brings tears to my eyes and im not sure if they are sad or happy. Probably a little of both. You are right " Time does not heal". But as long as we all have eachother whether its email, facebook, blogs,and phones we all still have our moments andmust know we are not alone. I miss you and wow do I miss Rand!!!!! I hope for nothing but healing and angels on your shoulders. God knows you both deserve the world with those big hearts. Love Jas

  7. Love - coming right back at you from my heart to yours. You've touched my heart once again through this vehicle, I love that you are "driving" this journey in a way that we can follow along.
