Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Lion-Hearted

When I think of COURAGE I think of Lions, and.....
The courage of a Lion
  • The terminally ill. 
  • My aunt who passed away many years ago.
  • My sister-in-law (the first close family member to move away from our home town).
  • My Man.
  • A friend who has taken on her ex in the courts without a lawyer. 
  • My parents who have beat all odds and are still together after 54 years of marriage.
  • A number of young people who have NOT bought into the destructive lifestyle so prevalent in our society
  • a number of couples I know who are fighting the good fight and staying committed to one another.
  • Three specific men who overcame the disease of alcoholism; one for decades now, one for about a decade and one for under two years.
  • A senior cousin (2nd to me I think) riddled with disease, family heartache and mental illness.
As I started this list, I honestly thought there were only a few that I felt were truly courageous. I am surprised, pleasantly so, at the number of people who are coming to my mind and heart. I know alot of courageous, wonderfully strong, determined individuals and I simply cannot list them all here! Bless you each and everyone today and the year to come (you are in my prayers)!

Courage(eous) is a new word for me. I am hearing it more often. I am contemplating its meaning.


  [kur-ij, kuhr-]  
the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without  fearbravery.

At different times in our life we are all faced with various trials, struggles, temptations, fears, pains, difficulties, stresses, illness of one degree or another, loss, and challenges.

It is what we do in the face of adversity that defines our level of courage.

The lion stalks, the lion roars and opens wide his jaw
He is the King of all the beasts; and rules without a flaw.
when he is challenged in any way he swipes a powerful claw
The pounce and kill with courage bold; shows he is jungle law!

When you feel stalked and hear a roar don't turn and run with fear
Find courage buried deep within to face what brought you here
The battles may be many, the challenges splashed with a tear
Stand fast dear heart and hold on tight, for the King of ALL is near! 

We always have a choice. We can choose to be courageous. We can choose weakness. I am not telling you it is easy. I am telling US it is worth it! It is worth it to swim up stream. It is worth it to stand out in a crowd. It is worth it be in the minority. 

It is difficult! But the greatest rewards come from the work it takes to 'shine' 
diamonds in the rough
The painfully polished result!

I have never thought myself to be one with courage. Have never used the word 'courageous' to describe me before. And then..My Man told me I was.

Having someone believe and voice that I am courageous has unleashed a whole new level of strength that was buried deep within.  It has been a catalyst for new resolve. New power. New goals. New attitude. New heart. New ideas. 

One simple sentence whispered in the night
While My Man did hold me tight
His love-filled words filtered through the dark
and left a most delightful mark!

When was the last time you told someone they were courageous, strong or brave? How about telling a friend they were an inspiration to you? Is your best friend your hero? Tell them so! 

Your words of affirmation could be the very thing they need to unleash their own courage! 

Bless you in the brilliance of your day today ♥ LR


  1. Have you been stalking me Robyn the Lion? You hit the nail on the head with that comment about telling a friend they are and inspiration which can unleash courage!! Some day I would like to share my story with you...the one that turned me into a Lion instead of a kitten. I'm so happy you discovered this within yourself...that is quite and achievement! Blessings on you and Randy "old" friend :o)

  2. You, my darling Daughter, many times. have had the heart of a lion!! Accept this of yourself and fly with it.....or stalk with it! go girl!!!

  3. Interesting that until you heard the word from your man you didn't think you were courageous. I personally have always seen you that way! To be able to write this blog with the honesty that you do takes "courage" You go girl!

  4. My dear Robyn... I too would and have thought of you as couragous! You inspire me, even from so far away - I love that about you!
