Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year

 New Year. New Beginnings. New hopes, dreams, wishes, plans, desires. 

I love that we are given so many opportunities to start fresh. Start over. Begin again.

A new year. A new Month. A new Week. A new Day. A new Hour. A new minute. And yes, even a second can bring about a newness!

My Man and I are motivated! We have a PLAN! We re-vamped our schedule. Re-worked our routine. We spent the day encouraging one another to strive for something better and not to settle for less. We outlined our goals. We shook off the desperate. Washed away the grimy. Forgave the past. We allowed hope to shine. Faith to bloom. Belief in self and God to flourish.

I love when we spend our day like that. It gives me a sense of power over all that is negative. It allows a winning attitude within. It brings on new resolve to rise above and out of my normal. To shake off the comfortable, the lazy, the weak, the grief, the worry, concern, stress, illness. It fills my heart with strength and gives my spirit wings. 

And then....I stepped out of my bubble.

Reality can be hard and cruel and ruthless and negative and tough and deflating. I think I hit the *RESET* button 20 times last night as I was giving the day to God and praying for sleep to overtake my busy and  insane brain!  

It wasn't a devastating kind of reality; it was just enough to take the wind out my sails for a time. Just enough to bring me to my knees. Just enough to remind me that strength to do all things comes from the One with greater strength than I. Just enough to remind me that I still have much work to do in being the Me I was created to be!

J esus at the start
nnouncing new resolve
N ewness
Yesterdays gone!

Blessings to you today as you move into newness! ♥ LR


  1. Excellent!!! You can't stay on the mountain top forever!!! But a little time up there gives you enough to go on!!!! Great job...again, my Beautiful Daughter.

  2. Thank you for that inspiration and encouragement that I need so much right now! I seriously thing that menopause changed my whole spiritual realm and for the first time in my life it is a real struggle!! Hang in there with the rest of us chicky ;o)

  3. Words of wisdom..! Look forward to hearing more..! Wishing you and Randy a prosperous & successful 2012... ! Keep that head high..! With love!

