Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Work of a Dream

My man and I were encouraged today to put together a business plan for Healing Rain here on the island. And then not just for the business but our lives as well. Goal setting. Long range plans. Short term plans. Pipe dreams. Little wishes. Huge hopes. And grandiose visions of our future.

For some, this is an easy task. Those who like to dream. Day dream. Window shop. Pretend games and games of make-believe. Some People.... very much like my man. He has already written out a quick version of where he wants to go, be and do. He has the ability of putting his imagination into quick action and dreaming up all kinds of wonderful, wondrous lives and events.

For others, this is a most difficult endeavour. Practical. Grounded. Don't shop if you can't buy. Reality driven. Focused, kind of people. And...that would be me. Research comes first, followed by practicality of goal. (GOAL, NOT DREAM!) Weighing the consequences, variables and possible out comes. I have yet to pick up pen and paper and start. 

After all, how do I know where I will be or even desire to be in 10 years?? I kept telling this kind soul that life was too short to plan 10 years down the road. He kept bringing me back to the fact, I thought almost 5 years ago that life was too short and look at the trouble we now find ourselves in. A big part due to the lack of setting plans or goals. 

OH, we had and still do have some dreams. After all it is our dreams that brought us to the Island and set our feet on a new adventure with new beginnings. But looking at the future and not truly putting plans to paper has set us back more years then we had hoped or wished for.

I will not be discouraged by the change of events we are encountering in the last couple of months. I choose to look at the changes as a good thing, a God thing. After all, He has been the one directing our steps since we started this island adventure. The recent changes are forcing a greater step of faith. A stronger resolve to trust. A more determined attitude to do things different.

So..we are bound and determined to write out a 10 year plan for our lives. I will muster up the dreams and desires that are buried deep within. I will set aside the fears of disappointment, discouragement and disbelief. I will shake off the doubt and fear of success. I will let go of anxiety and worry. I will believe that the plans that God has for me, for us, are plans to prosper and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. 

It is time to put the past behind us a little bit more. Time to look to our future with awe and wonder and success. Time to live out the passions, the dreams and the talents that have been poured into our souls, our spirits, our hearts. 

What I am not looking forward to is the actual piecing together of the business plan. Why can't I just know what I know and do what it is I do and have it all just fall wonderfully into a perfect place of great success?  

I should have known this 'work' before me was coming. I was given little insights from a few different sources that this was a natural next step for us. Like last week when we watched the Dragons Den and I verbally put out there that I 'hated' the thought of a business plan. And that I could never be a participant on the show because I could never put one together! Never, say never! 

Or the fact that of late I have been saying "I just want the business to come to me, I don't want to do the work to bring it here. I just want to be successful by waiting"! OY!!! Me and my big mouth! For here is this wise, well off individual who has offered wonderful advise, valuable mentoring and coming along side of us while we let go of the 'why' we failed and reach for where we can flourish!

My first couple of goals...
  • to START the process before Friday is over. I will have jotted down some ideas, ideals, dreams, goals, hopes and wishes.
  • I will have looked up business plan templates and chose the one we will use.
Ahhh I feel more successful already! It is in print. You have read it. I don't like to fail and I definitely do not like to let others down. I will follow through with these first two goals! Thank you for holding me accountable.

Blessings be yours as you look to your future in a new light ♥ LR


  1. A promising thing to do....I am proud of you for listening to wise advice!!! Great post!

  2. I can so identify with you, I go through the same struggle when faced with setting goals. I am learning it is worthwhile to press on and not let my fears prevent my growth. Keep on your on the right track!

  3. I can totally feel your pain Robyn. I had to go through that process a few times and it was always difficult ...maybe because I'm a detail oriented person?! Good for you for buckling down and doing it - good luck with it. Don't get too distracted by the little details, always keep the big picture in the back of your mind. (Shona)

  4. I too am not much of a dreamer.... although my Mister is : ) I can so relate to this post, but also know that the time and effort put into a plan will be worth it. Good for you for making the goals and working towards the plan.

