Wednesday, July 27, 2011

British Columbia & Memories

BC and Grandpa & Grandma go hand in hand....There is a sense of coming home!

I was walking today; up hills, down roadways, stairways and over rocks,
Back to the waters edge where I can breathe, pray and listen
It wasn't in the where I was going that mattered today
It was in the thoughts, in the memories I opened; the memories cherished.

Memories stored deep within; spilled out as I walked by the weeping willow
Remembering the coolness under the magnificent hanging branches
The warmth of the love that was felt as we gathered there
The laughter, the games, the meals, the togetherness of cherished family.

The willows led way to a vast array of wonderfulness
The smell of fresh cut wood, greasy tractor grease,
Dove bar soap, house dresses & square dancing,
Tree Swing, fresh picked cherries & burrs in long hair.

Half the fun was in the getting there; 7 of us in one car
Banff gates, long drives & new comic books
Wax paper wrapped tuna sandwiches & muffins
Travel games, word games & silly songs

Long winded grace before breakfast
Brown betty tea pot full of hot steeped tea,
Happy face juice glasses and spoons in a crock
Potatoes, corn, beets & ham, bread, buns, cookies and jam.

Rexall Drug store where Grandma worked, Davidsons Fruit stand & the drive-in
The shared drive way, the warm greetings from Trixie,
And the high pitched welcome from the front porch
The love filled hugs and the smell that belonged.

The slugs, the spiders, the moss and the dew
The farm, the barn, the loft full of hay
The dirt, the tall grass, the trees dropping plums
The mice, the cats, the boots and the hats.

The guitar playing, the singing, the jingle of the tambourine
The harmonica, accordion, organ and the bongo beat
The worship, the praise, the music filled house,  
The deep bass voice, the tapping of toes, the musical notes; both the highs and the lows.

Cherished remembering, cherished hearts, cherished lives.
Rich history, rich roots, riches beyond measure
Memories of love filled childhood days spilled out from deep within
And washed over my soul with the sweetness of lives lived and days now past.

I walked today with my Grandpa quite near
And so many memories flooded of my Grandma dear,
The blackberries, mistletoe and cedars so high,
Weeping Willows remembered and tears of joy in my eye.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My! How this congered up memories for me! It brought back years of enjoyment, love, anticipation and togetherness when all was seems! Quite wonderful to have such rich memories and be able to harbour them within us to take out and enjoy whenever we desire. Thank you for taking me to a place where there is so much togetherness and sharing and laughter and love.
