Monday, January 9, 2012

If seeing is believing...

I see it!
I see what has become different!
I see the changes!
I see healing!
I see newness!
I see forward movement!
I feel it!
I feel the space from then to now!
I feel the exhilaration of goals reached!
I feel the difference within my being!
I feel the shedding of old and the covering of new!
I feel the hope of forward movement!
I live it!
I choose to rejoice in the change!
I choose to accept the new!
I choose to embrace the light!
I choose to dance with new strength!
I choose to live free in the forward movement!
I love it!
I love the new me that is here!
I love the letting it all go feeling!
I love the distance of heart that can actually be measured!
I love the lighter load!
I love the ongoing steps in the forward movement!
If seeing is believing, I can now believe!
If feeling brings new hope, I can now achieve!
If Living gives new freedom, I can now be Free!
If Loving moves me forward, the future, now I see!

Two major milestones were reached this week. Both completely unrelated. Both I have been striving after. Desiring change. Desiring freshness. Desiring hope. Desiring tangible, touchable, life altering change.

The first; a heart altering change that involves a friend, a wall and a changed spirit! Was that really me with her? Where were the walls I built over the years? Where was the jealousy? Where was the envy? Where was my defensive spirit? Where was my gavel of judgement?  

For YEARS, absolute YEARS, I have wanted to be a different person. I knew my faults. I knew my short comings. I knew my evil heart. I knew. I desired change. I prayed for change. I hoped for change. I faked change. I cried for change. I sought after change. I so desperately wanted to be different, completly and truly different!

And then...there it was! I was different! I had changed! Real change! Pure of heart change! What freedom to finally see a new me! What a blessing to look back and see the miles covered! To know the old was gone and the new shining brightly! I Believe!

If seeing is believing, I can now believe!
If feeling brings new hope, I can now achieve!
If Living gives new freedom, I can now be Free!
If Loving moves me forward, the future, now I see!

The second; A health altering change that involves the battle of the bulge! I went on a juice cleanse for three days this past week that pushed my inner workings into a bit of a healing crisis. 

After researching and setting up an appointment with a health professional I have hope of complete healing with the weight and health that I have battled for EVER! There are too many facets to this life altering change to share it all now. 

BUT, I did want to share the exuberance of heart that I am feeling as I go forward with this health altering change!  Something I have prayed for. Sought after with diligence. Hoped for. Cried for. Something I so desperately wanted to be different. Something I have beat myself over for far too long. 

And now...There is hope! I see change!  I Believe!

If seeing is believing, I can now believe!
If feeling brings new hope, I can now achieve!
If Living gives new freedom, I can now be Free!
If Loving moves me forward, the future, now I see!

Blessings to you today as you measure the distance you have travelled ♥ LR


  1. Change can mean so many things, I am excited for you with these new beginnings. As I seek changes of my own I will celebrate with you : )

  2. Wow! Wow! I want so much more info. but in the meantime, I am very happy for you too! Wonderful poetic offering also.
    I pray for this positive attitude and feeling to go on.......and on......and on.....! Love you so much!
